
On Kindness

I think there is something that should be said about kindness.

I don't know what point in your life it is when you come to the mature decision that you want to be kind, but I wish I had reached it much, much sooner. You can teach good morals to your children, you can teach them how to dress, you can teach them politeness, but I think kindness is a decision each person has to make and I believe, it has to be an entirely conscious decision. You are not kind. You choose to be kind.

I say this because I married a very kind person. Or rather, a man who chooses to be kind. Every time I begin to say something negative about someone else I try to catch myself because of him. He never joins in the slandering. He listens, like a good husband should but he cannot add to the negativity. It is simply not in his nature. He is especially kind to me. So kind that, because I am not quite as good as him, I push his kindness on purpose at times - yet he always, always responds with kindness.

I used to want to be popular and beautiful and famous. But because of him, I really just want to be kind. Consciously kind.


beau&lindee said...

this post is awesome and so true. i feel the exact way around my husband.. isn't it the best when you just want to be better because of them?

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

My husband is the same way. I'm glad he brings out the good in me.

Brittany said...

I have people in my life like Kevin. They are so good and kind. They inspire me so much to try harder and to think nicer. Being kind, I think, is one of the greatest things one can be. I love this post, Mandy.

katrina said...

i feel like i could have written this about my husband and my desire to be kind like him.

here's to wonderful husbands! :)

Melissa said...

Kevin really is a sweetheart. We all just love him!

Sheryl said...

i'm working on it.